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As a manager, one of the biggest goals you may want to accomplish is creating a lasting impact in the department.

The sad reality is that of all change initiatives, nearly 70% fail due to negative attitudes or the reluctancy to evolve away from the current organizational culture. When trying to change the culture there are many pitfalls along the way but starting with the basics can help you create a lasting impression.

Why should we change?

There are lots of factors affecting a change initiative, and management behavior is one of the most important ones. but one of the biggest factors affecting the outcome of a change initiative are management behaviours. As a people leader trying to create change, your biggest obstacle will be embodying the change and the culture of change you want to instill. You may have employees who have been working in the department since the beginning saying that the legacy processes in use are the only way to do things. These types of employees also present one of the biggest challenges, employees who are resistant to change, and think question why should we¬ change is necessary? There have been many stories in the past few years about disruptor companies and the effect on entire industries. If any company stagnates, there is someone eager to take their place.

How do I go about creating a culture for change?Some of the best ways for you, as a manager, to create change in the department is by looking at your toolkit. Creating a well-defined toolkit that you, as a manager can use to help guide your employees through the changes and process you to your target state is what will help you create a lasting impact. Some of the questions you might ask yourself are:

  • What communication lines are currently available?
  • What do I currently have in my department that allows me to schedule work, and measure how often we achieve the desired schedule?
  • How can I tell if we’re off schedule?
  • What do I do when our schedule has slipped?

How can I answer these questions?

There are several ways we like to start the change in management to encourage the start of the cultural shift. Some of the topics we’ll be discussing in this Management Series include the following:

1. How does my behaviour affect the team?
2. How can I increase Communication in my team?
3. How do I encourage my team to excel?
4. How do I manage my team effectively to provide value?
5. How do I know if we’ve had a good day?
6. What do I do when schedule slips?
7. How do I make sure we aren’t repeating the same mistakes?

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Questions? Contact Us

Propel Solutions proven methodology will assist managers in answering these questions easily. Our methods provide our customers with a 3:1 ROI, and promote lasting results with even the most change resistant employees. Connect with us to talk about how we can provide a no obligation assessment of your current Continuous Improvement Culture.

Propel Solutions 

  • 📍 789 W. Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • 📞  604-346-5185
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